Keith #5 Original Design New Model
Keith #5 Original Design New Model

Keith #5 Original Design New Model

Your Price: $350.00
Part Number:NM K#5 ORG
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Keith #5 Original Design. The original pictures taken of Elmer Keiths Last word and world famous Revolver crafted by Harold Croft in 1928, provided us with a much sought after design platform to mimic the shape as close as possible by measuring the screws and placement of the frame as well as angles to provide us with the vector dimensions necessary to duplicate this frame!
The deep rear strap has enough material left to provide you with the shape as rounded to make your Ruger look and feel just like the original. The locating Boss is smaller and matches the shape much more closely for the purists and those that are looking to capture the feel of One of the greatest and most famous single actions every conceived.
We suggest using the Ruger design Bisley Hammer to achieve the proper Look due to the larger half round back of the Hammer.

For images of Grip Panel Materials available click this link - Grip Panel Materials

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